A Discoverable Harmony...

The threads gathered above the asterisks at right all speak, in one way or another, to that theme of effortless abundance that informs Darwin’s passage about “the entangled bank” and Thoreau’s evocation, as he contemplates the thawing sand flowing down a railroad embankment, of  the “Artist... strewing his fresh designs about.”  

Through the ages, poets, writers, walkers, payers of attention to the simple beauties that surround us, have always had an intuitive sense of the infinite, fractal wildness surging, branching, seething around and through us. The closer you look the more you see!  Symmetry across scale!  And then add the dimension of time, the power of recurrent observation of a particular landscape, the loving collaboration between time and place and Beginner’s Mind. “I know a bank where the wild thyme blows....”

Here, three practiced walkers, poets, naturalists, pay homage, each in his own way, to this work of knowing the infinite in the particular:

Gilbert White’s Selbourne:

          The Closer You Look

Henry David Thoreau’s Concord:

          Bounded but Infinite

Gary Snyder’s Watershed:

          Walking toward Wholeness